Ebonwood now has Seasons. Eos, Metis and Selene are hanging with friends while Atlas hits the books. Aww, someone smashed the doll house. I can finally put leftovers in the fridge instead of throwing it away! Woo!
Welp, time to send Eos to college, as soon as she finished her salmon. Metis just discovered a zit in the mirror. She cried.
Hey my maid switched back to her original hair color. I hope the glitch is gone. I'm glad Metis and Selene are getting along. They hated each other at first, now they're as close as the twins they are. They even sleep in the same bed.
Oh! It's the weekend! Great, I can get started on my bug collection and badges in fishing. Alright, set him up fishing and taking Metis on a date with Meadow Thayer. Heehee, Metis is a lesbian now, too. Dream date in the bag, oh yes. As if there was any question. Metis is a natural. Being a romance sim totally helps, too.
Skill, skill, skill, omigosh! Allison and Zeno haunt tonight. I didn't know dead pets could haunt! Holy shit, he meows! Oh, it's to ethereal and spooky! SO COOL! Omigosh! Allison and Zeno are playing with each other! Holy bawls! This is so awesome!
Oh dear, someone's breaking pictures. That's not cool, mang. Metis is still crying about her pimples so I'm having her use acne cream. God, I have an endless supply, she's been applying it for three hours.
Oh... My gardener hasn't gone home yet.
And winter hits and Metis and Selene head off to college.
I sent Atlas on a adate with some chick named Melody so I could get his first kiss out of the way and off the want bar, but the goof ball went and fell in love with the girl. I was all 'Hell~~~~ no. She wants the money, everyone wants the money.' But at least he's in a good mood now. We need to find him someone else though. Not no teeny bopper kid.
Alright, Atlas has been sent to college. Got him all set up, now to pick a major. Mrrrrrmmmmmmlllll, Philosophy.
I just realized the bug collection thing is for Free Time... And he's got a Gold Badge in Fishing already. This is worrisome. The challenge for this expansion isn't very hard. I need to come up with something for Atlas to do. Oh no! He needs a woman! Preferably one with a college degree. Ah, whatever, I'll pay the gypsy for a date when I reroll his aspiration. Well, that's it. Atlas can now talk to plants. He's got his gold badge. All the tomatoes. I completed my challenge and he's still a freshman.
Time for the reroll. 5. Pop sim. Eff. My. Life. At least his LTW is to become Captain Hero. I can do that. And let's invite the matchmaker over to meet the love of his life... It's Tethys. Tethys Cygnus. I can't have him marry his great great great great great aunt! That's disgusting! Well, crap. That's $5000 down the drain. Lets try this again. Eff, Jasmine Rai. She's not an NPC. Again! Damn it! It's an old woman! I can't has babies with someone who doesn't ovulate! And that's all my freaking money, too.
Gosh dang it, I have to settle for a dorm-mate.
I found her. The perfect girl. She's blond, gray eyes. Her name is Heather. I hate it. Nancy Day is a bombshell, too. and Atlas has two bolts for both of them. Hmmm, Heather, Nancy, Heather Nancy.... Flip a coin. Where's a coin. Nancy wins!
Jeez, Atlas is smooth. He's already got her heart in the bag. Well, that's done. Now to find other stuff to do this expansion.
Wyatt Wont is a total stalker. He's worse than Marsha. He calls Atlas every hecking day. Several times a day. In fact, my phone is always ringing. Always. He scares me.
Atlas popped the question and Nancy said yes~~ Hurray. Atlas graduates Summa Cum Laude and back to Ebonwood we go.
Remodeled block block. For some reason Arcadia's enemies with Astraeus. I have no idea what he did. Honestly, I don't think he did anything, but they're still in love. At least today's their last day alive.
I was mistaken. They have another day. Great, they can... Never mind, they just died.
Astraeus gave $600 to Leto, $6700 to Eos, $8000 to Metis, $8000 to Selene and $3700 to Atlas. Nothing to Arcadia.
Arcadia left $300 to Atlas, $4800 to Leto, $1000 to Eos, $7400 to Metis and $8200 to Selene.
Man, Atlas got shafted. Whatever, he got the house.
Anyway, it's after 6pm, inviting Nancy over. And they're married. Mozeltoff! She brings in $11000, 10 friends. She's a Capricorn, 7/4/1/8/5, not shabby. Not bad skills, either. Bronze badge in sales, useless! LTW: earn $100,000... Like I need more money. And no way! Your job is to make me babies! Speaking of making babies, it's time for business. To bed with both of you! Conception on the first try, oh yes.

And Nancy get's fat eating a magical omelet. I'll have her use the punching bag. I feel bad sending her to work when she's so heavy with child, but she really wants to make money. I got her a job in the Adventure career track as an Ambassadors intern. She gets a promotion her first day... to Spelunker. Befitting of a pregnant woman, no? Speaking of pregnancy, she's almost due her first child and with both employed I'm going to need some domestic assistance. Fortunately! I had Astraeus create a small legion of robotic butlers for just such an occasion before his timely demise. As Atlas initiates them all, I name them Ariel, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. I'm certainly not going to need all four. The household will keep Ariel.
Surprise surprise, Nancy has a girl. Named Nyx, night, because that's when she was born. Then my game crashes during labor!
....And we go into labor again~~~
Boy this time... Lucky! I name him Menoetius. For kicks! And Atlas and Nancy try again. Success. Mang, this couple is fertile.
Ariel broke. Right in the driveway. Freaked me out for a second, I didn't know how to fix him. I just gave him a command and he snapped back into sanity. Phew.
Menoetius won't stop crying. I need Ariel up and running, pronto. Crap, he's running amok. I called a repair man. That was fast work. I am so grateful. I gave the repair man a huge tip. $100. (It's the most I can give him). He and Ariel chatted it up for a while, afterwards, too. Mr. Fairchild is his name. They became fast friends. I've never had a servo freak out on me like that. It was crazy.
Atlas came home promoted to Captain Hero. That was fast. He's forever permaplat now. Cussing awesome. Let's see if I can turn him into a plant sim. Ooh! Good challenge for myself. Okay, I have him talking to some trees. Totally sane, I swear.
Menoetius grows into a toddler. He's a Virgo, just like his grandma Arcadia, 10/2/9/8/1. Handsome little tyke, too, But I think he's got Ivy's nose. If I could only breed that thing out of the family genes once and for all.
Nancy gives birth again. Another boy! Woot!! Pallas. Next try was unsuccessful, second try successful. Menoetius and Pallas both have Nancy's dark skin and brown eyes. I guess brown is more dominant. Pallas will NOT stop crying. It's frustrating! I think he's just crying for no reason. He's been fed, poop, played with, cuddles. I don't even. GRR!
Oh. For some reason some babies like being on the floor more than being in their cribs. Pallas is one such baby. Ariel doesn't compute. He won't stop putting the kid in his crib. Pallas just starts up again. So Ariel freaks out and tries to feed him. Silly robot, he's not hungry.
Oh, I forgot all about the Garden Club. Let's go apply for a membership. They told me I needed more plants, but gave me a pity membership. That makes me feel good....
Ariel's teaching Menoetius how to talk. I'd have hoped that would make Menoetius talk like a robot, but no. Sadly. But that would have been bad ass.
Shit, Nancy's been fired. Pallas became a toddler, he's a Virgo, 10/2/9/8/1. Bit weird for a virg-... wait, this is exactly like Menoetius'...
He's a lot easier to teach than Menoetius.
Some douche just kicked over my trashcan! What the balls?! That ain't cool, Toby Butler. This family didn't to anything to you! Whoa, the cars license plate is the same as old school Alaskan license plates. That's wicked.
Menoetius grew into a child. He definitely has Ivy's nose. Sad business.
And Nancy goes into labor again. Another boy! SO LUCKY! Nancy is the mother load of boy making! We named him Perses. Dark skin, brown eyes, just like Menoetius and Pallas. 3 boys. I can't believe it. Conception on the first try again, too. I love this.
That's weird. Berkeley's ghost is digging up the apple tree. What a jerk.
Pallas grows up, little tyke got 5 charisma and 2 logic, beating Menoetius by one logic. Go Pallas! He's wearing pink pajamas. He's got Ivy's nose. In all honesty, if I can get one of these boys with Nancy's nose, I'll make him the heir. Menotius and Pallas don't qualify already. None of the girls have Ivy's nose.
Sartre's scaring Nancy relentlessly. Perses took 12 extra hours to toddlerfy. I think he has the Cygnus nose. In other news, he's a Virgo 10/2/9/8/1. Just like Menoetius and Pallas. They all look the same, they all have the same personality. Funderful. Why couldn't it be Hyperion's nose, huh?!
Oh crap. Nancy's going into labor again. Atlas isn't home to impregnante her right after. It's a girl, light skin, brown eyes. I bet she doesn't have the nose. Let's see, we already have Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, Themis, Eos, Selene, Leto, Asteria, Metis and Artemis. Next is Athena.
Ahhh! Ariel keeps trying to feed the baby when he needs to go to sleep! Gyawwwwwd!
He ditched helping Pallas with his homework to put Athena in the crib. She doesn't want to be in the crib! That's it. I'm getting rid of the robot. I can get rid of these kids, while I'm at it. Effing robot. A nanny can and does better than you, Ariel!
Perhaps it's not wise sending four children off with a robot who has a history of beserking. Whatever, they'll be fine. I set them up real sweet. Now back to the main lot. My mail box is glitching. I'm not allowed to get my mail and the repoman is threatening to take my stuff. Yup, he came. Man, what a hot Repo man. Normally this would kill a wealth sim like Nancy, but she isn't paying any attention. He took the huge mirror and one of the toddler toys. I don't know what to do. I mean, I could cheat and delete it, but I'd be skipping out on my bills, then again, the darn thing won't let me pay them. I deleted it. That's not jive, man.
Nancy's been promoted to Dread Pirate. Yarrrr! Hmmm, Atlas should have been home 3 hours ago... Oh no. I deleted the mail box. That's where he lands. Crap. And the game crashes again! Great, glitch.
Crisis averted!, downloaded mailbox online, replaced, bills paid! Woo!
Atlas really needs to find something to do with his time. $50,000 for stopping a giant robot. Okay, he deserves a small break.
Nancy leaves the life of a pirate to disarm warheads. Adventurer and mother extraordinaire. Nancy is pretty bad ass. Next day she comes home a hostage negotiator. Nancy goes into her fifth labor. Dark skin, brown eyed baby girl, aptly named Aphrodite. Quick conception afterward. Better save. Aphrodite is also a Virgo, also 10/2/9/8/1. This is creepy.
Nancy has twins! A boy and a girl. Helios and Hera. Crap, Atlas and Nancy have to go to work. Quick conception then off they go. For Nancy anyway. Atlas stayed home with the babies.
Helios and Hera both have brown eyes. They are definitely dominant.
1 toddler, 2 babies, 1 pregnant hostage negotiator 6 trees. And I was worried Atlas wouldn't have anything to do. Calista, the nanny, isn't as productive a nanny as I remember. She doesn't change diapers and she just peed in the nursery. There is a proper toilet in the nursery. Now she's stinking up the house, taking the babies every which way. She used to be so cool. She let's the twins cry and cry and cry and just stands there. What a bad caregiver. You turned callous, Calista. Aphrodite won't be potty trained. Hera grew up. She has the nose! But! She's a Leo! 9/10/3/4/9. It's a miracle. Man, I was getting worried. Helios grew up. He's got the hecking nose, too. But he's a Capricorn, 10/2/4/8/9. I should probably stop at eight kids. That nose is going to be with me forever.
Oh, Aphrodite did get potty trained. That's cool. Atlas and Nancy are exhausted and starving. So many kids. She goes into labor again. Another girl. Damn. Named her Hestia. 4 girls, 4 boys.
Alright time for a little kid swapping. Ariel gets the girls, Atlas and Nancy get the boys. I'll be honest, that requires a little cheating. Too late. It's already done.
I kind of feel bad for Ariel. The girls are the youngest. Phoebe , Stella and Metatron stopped by. I told them to beat it, but Metatron didn't listen. Robot butlers. So stubborn. I can't even click on him. I think he finally disappeared somewheres.
All the girls are toddlers. I don't know if I rattled off their numbers, so if I did I'm doing it again. Athena, Aphrodite, Hera and Hestia all at once. Athena's a Capricorn, 10/2/2/8/9, Aphrodite's a Virgo 10/2/9/8/1, Hera's a Leo 9/10/3/4/9 and Hestia's a Sagittarius, 2/3/10/8/10. That's pretty awesome; all the girls having different signs. It's way better than 3/4 boys having the exact same stats. So mad about that.
4 toddlers and 1 robot. That ain't fair. Or possible. Ariel's closest with Gabriel so he's helping out with the girls. 4 toddlers is madness! I'm so glad Ariel and Gabriel are robots. They [and I] couldn't handle this otherwise.
Hera and Athena have got the biggest eyes. They're so pretty. Aphrodite and Hestia have their mothers eyes, which are exotic, but don't mesh well with Arcadia's mouth and Ivy's nose. All the girls grew to childhood, now it's back to the main lot.
Nancy is technically capable of having another baby before she becomes an elder, but I think I'd better stop at eight.
The boys are skilling up nicely, and Atlas put his trees at ease. They are content for now.
Pallas brought home someone from school, a girl named Jenna, but she was more interested in playing chess with Menoetius, so Pallas played with the dollhouse before starting his homework. I think this has gone on long enough. I'm installing Bon Voyage as soon as Helios and Perses become children. I have two days left.
Damn, Nancy's demoted. A pox on the Kaltumbra's guard dogs! They spoiled her impromptu mission to the moon!
Helios turns into a boy. Man, will he be handsome. He looks just like his daddy.
Nancy won't stop crying about her demotion. Omigosh! Menoetius is teasing Perses! What the what?! And Perses grows up. He's ugaboo.
Okay! Time to copy to a back up drive and install Bon Voyage!