Bon Voyage, Bon Voyage, and 4 boys to choose from. Their first vacation will depend solely on the first treasure piece they dig up. Atlas becomes an Elder. Nancy digs up a bone. That's not treasure. Digging again, and she finds a map leading to the mysterious hut on Twikkii Island. First destination established.

Flight is booked, bags are packed and off they go. 7 days and 6 nights in paradise. They're set up in the most expensive hotel. Nancy made friends with a local, Daisy, and learned the Hang Loose gesture. They boys made sand castles, and combed the beach for seashells. Now they're off to take a glass bottom boat ride. Everyone gains a logic skill point.
The boys all relaxed under the sun. Pallas was sun burnt. Aww, Helios got pinched by a crab. They all taught each other how to hang loose. Well, except Atlas. Stopping by a juice bar, the family explored the Ancient Ruins of Jumbok, watched a fire dancer, then went back to the hotel for a mid-day nap. They're off to the pirate ship.

Menoetius awakened the soul of Pirate Captain Edward Dregg! He ran away. Helios told the ghost captain a joke. Pretty cool! Atlas and Nancy were exhausted, so the family headed back for the night, but not before purchasing some cool souvenirs. The next day they headed back to the ancient ruins. Perses added soap to the fountain and this angered the Jumbok gods. Awesome! Lava spilled from the fountain! I'd better try set this right or the locals won't forgive me. Atlas is making an offering. That set the fountain right again. There are a lot of things the boys can't learn yet or experience while on vacation. Fire dancing, obviously. Learning messages, make offerings, obtain the voodoo doll. Everything else they've done. So for a time, it's back home, at least until they're teenagers. I got stuff out of the way, though.

Pallas is still sun burnt after three days. The whole family has vacation perks. All six get an extra want slot, all six enjoy a boost in fun, comfort and social, Atlas gets a social perk, Nancy, a work performance perk, and the boys, a skilling perk. I'm taking full advantage of this. Nancy found the map to the Pagoda in the Shadows, the boys are going to the Orient next. That extra buff they got is amazing! Truly. I couldn't believe how fast they all skilled. I should remember that for when I need to skill hardcore. Pochi and Kim, a wolf and cat, got into a fight on my lot! Pochi won of course. Aww poor kitty. This happened right as Nancy came home, promoted to Space Pirate! She reached the top of her career path. Woot! She also grew into an elder.

Sunday night the vacation buffs wore off. The last to bed was Perses. Ghost Astraeus scared his pants off. The boy's aren't even teens yet and they already have all the skills they need to graduate college. And then some.

Things don't seem like they could be going smoother, so Nancy invites Headmaster Vince Walter over to get the boys into Private school. The same day, Atlas has to deal with the notorious villain, the Llama Queen, as she unleashes another robot unto SimCity, while poisoning the city's water supply. For whatever reason, Atlas feels responsible for her nefarious deeds and donates $25,000. It's a mere trifle to the family funds. But it is a loss. To make up for it, Pallas wins a football game at school and brings in a $150 Player of the Year Award. Small penance, but it evens out the events for the day.

Vince the Headmaster stops by for some... I don't know what this dish is. I think it's some kind of fish. It's sparkling, so it's got to be. Quick tour and 91/90 score; the boys are accepted into Private School. Wow, they did worse than Ariel's girls. Man, Sartre is a mean ghost. She scares everyone. Nancy is about to die from fright! Menoetius turns into a teen. Rolled a 5. This is going swimmingly so far. Pallas, too, still with sun burn. Rolled a 1, wealth sim. Wicked. Hmm, pop sim and wealth sim, these two are just like their parents. And, like Aphrodite and Hestia, they're both much cuter than I thought they'd turn out.
Huh. In winter, ghosts wear outerwear. Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Pallas is hilarious! He brings over this red-headed chick and throws balls at her and gives her noogies, all the while having this troll face. I love him! Bah hahahahaha!

So... Nancy went mad money hungry and started counterfeiting simoleans. So much so that her printer overheated and caught on fire. I don't have a fire alarm on the third floor, I didn't think I needed one. But Nancy was able to put out the fire. Afterwards she reeked of her sin, so she needed a bath. Counterfeiting simoleans, tsk tsk. I run a family of criminals! Oh no. One of the boys brought over Wyatt Wong. Nuuu~~ And somehow Pallas got fired from a job where his only duty is to play video games. -sigh- Also, he still has sun burn. Helios becomes a teenager. I roll a 3. Romance.

Sartre stays in the chess room and only scares people in that room. There aren't any lights in that room. Might be why she likes it. While patrolling space and getting rather bored of it, Nancy, the Dread Pirate of the Stars, comes upon two ships, one, a supply vessel, the other, another pirate ship in pursuit. She is put with two options. Compete with the other pirate ship or assist the freighter. She opts for the fight. I took too long while writing this and I didn't see the outcome. I went online to find out. Failed and then I gave up the game froze on me. Wonderful. When I reload Helios is still a child. I got no where! 2 hours down the drain. Played through to where I left off and no career option. Nyah.
Perses became a teenager. 2! Knowledge! Hurray! Yeah! And Menoetius was promoted from Blog Writer to Movie Critic. Woot, woot, woot.
Pallas turned into a fatty. It's yoga time. It's that magic fish stuff, mang. Atlas is finally done with the novel he's been typing away at for the last week. It's a hit! He gets a royalty check for $2,903. Let's save. Alright, all the boys are teens now. I think I'll wait to take them on their next vacation about a week. All four boys brought home friends from school, and all but one went straight from school to work. Perses asked the friends to leave. Helios returned with a promotion to Coffee Shop Sound Engineer. Cool, his hours are pushed back by two. Same option! Nancy's demoted. Shit. Well, I finally found out what it said. Wasn't worth it. Pallas came home promoted to Legal Secretary. How can a teen be that? Anyway, his hours were only pushed back 1. He's a little down in the mouth, so I think I'll take him into town. All these teens now-a-days want cell phones and mp3 players and handheld game consoles. Bah!

It's Friday. The boys homework is all done. Time for another vacation. This time to Takemizu Village. The boys start odd with a tour through the bamboo forest. They came back with bees. Great way to start off.
Menoetius was shown the bow gesture by a local teen-aged girl. Nice, I've been having Atlas talk up another local for that very reason and he wouldn't give up the goods. The next day they all had lobster for breakfast and headed out to the zen gardens. Helios met a ninja and learned how to teleport, Menetius kindly served some tea and Perses groomed the zen garden.

Helios and Pallas decide to meditate by said zen garden and disappear! Uu nuu! I'm getting out of here. Zen garden's are going to steal my kids! Helios and Pallas safe in my clucthes, the group heads to the shrine. Helios makes a wish and tosses a coin. His fortune was: You will discover a secret. Whatever that means. He went straight to Pallas after that and hit him with a pillow. Perses threw a coin and got another swarm of bees. Menoetius threw a coin and encountered a vast fortune. He was pelted with gold coins. 1,000 bucks worth. Awesome! Pallas got the bees, too.

Hmm, while the boys were away, Atlas and Nancy had sex-er-woohoo in the sauna. Nice to know they're enjoying their vacation, too. The next day the whole family headed out to the village Pagoda and Market. Hopefully for food. Perses' starving. I wonder if fat people can starve in this game. After that the family headed to the hot spring. Perses and Helios learned the acupressure message and Menoetius and Pallas soaked in the springs. Then they switched and I sent them back to the hotel. Well, I sent Atlas and Nancy back. The boys stayed in town, trying to find that elusive ninja.

I know he's out there! Cought him! Menoetius learned the ways. Now it's just Pallas and Perses. Then they go home. There's so much more stuff to do on Twikkii Island. Poor Perses. He's been chasing the ninja all over town. I think he knows, too. This is getting stupid! Finally! I chased this jerkwad all around town and I finally caught him. Pallas was just along for the ride. He caught him the first place they went. Perses had to hunt him down for 2 days. I'm on a mission, damn it! Gah, it's finally over. They can all go home now. That teleporting comes in so handy in a three story house.

So Helios went on a date. Natural for Romance Sims. His date? Viola Something. Nothing serious, just aspiration fodder. They head to the Karaoke machine. Holy dang. All that creativity, Helios sings like an angel. They shared their first kiss. Darn, those cinematics. They can turn the ugliest girl into the envy of all SimCity. Dream date easily obtained. I think Pallas is going to have that sun burn forever. And just like that the boys, Menoetius and Pallas only, have two days before they grow up. Menoetius takes his little brother Perses out to get some teen supplies. Mp3 players, game consoles, yadda yadda.

Omigosh! I got the bonus! Atlas turned into a plant sim! WOOOO! I can have plant babies! Yay! Save, save, save. Eeeeeeeee!
Menoetius doesn't have the want to go to college, despite being a wealth sim, so I have to up his aspiration tonight. He and Pallas are moving on to college. So far, it's going terribly. I give in and buy him a drum set and bass guitar, sending him into plat aspiration. To college with you! and with Pallas.

So Nancy was promoted back to International Sim of Mystery. I'm sure she's happy about that. She'll need two more friends to get her old job as Space Pirate back, but chances of that dwindle as Helios and Perses get closer to college. Speaking of which, Helios is going to make some moves on a new girl, Marsha. Whom, by the by, is a total fox; she completely rejected him. Poor kid. Well, off he goes to college. Last to leave is Perses. And I'm done with teens years!
It's nearly 2am, I'm done for now.

Back to Ravencrest we go. They go in looking like the biggest posers ever. We're fixing this straight away. There, much better. So... the boys have at least 8/10 in all skills. They don't need to skill at all. Pretty boss. This is going to get stupid boring if they have nothing to do. Hmmm, badges. Flower, toy, mech, plant, fish, styling. We'll go with Gardening, Fishing, Flower Arranging and Robotics. Perses seems like the gardener, Helios the flower boy, Menoetius the fisher and Pallas the robotic engineer. Splendid, splendid. Jaiden, the cafeteria woman, set the kitchen on fire. I'm sure on purpose. I was wrong about Menoetius. He absolutely hates fishing. Perses powered through gardening. He already has his gold badge.

Haaa~~~~ That's it. They're sophomores now. They need to go to that last place. Three lakes. The locals gesture is a manley chest pound. Charming. I will say. These locals have a lot of fun. Axe throwing, log rolling, slap dances and flapjacks.
I should have been keeping my eyes peeled for spouses! Crap! I always forget that part. Alright. The boys have about 30/45 vacation memories completed. They are back from their Three Lakes vacation. Working on their badges. That is their charge until they get to juniors. Which is now, time for rerolls!
Pallas rolls a 4, Fam sim. Helios a 2, Knowledge, Perses a 6, Pleasure and Menoetius, 4. And now I choose the successor to the Cygnus Legacy. Which I can't! I guess Menoetius is the first born, but I like the contest idea. I just need to think of a contest. I have 2 semesters to figure this out.
Lazy wins. Menoetius gets to be the next heir. That's the way it happened with Cruis and Coeus. Eldest won. Tradition prevails again. He has gold badges in Gardening, Fishing and Flower arranging. Not bad. His LTW: send 3 kids to college. (Easiest LTW ever).
Blah hahahahha Pallas needed some aspiration and his biggest boost is to have his first kiss, but the only dorm-mate he was friends with besides his brothers was a blonde kid named Dominic. Pallas is gay. Then Dominic caught the cow trying to woo Pallas and decided Pallas was cheating on him. Speaking of love, Menoetius is seriously love sick. All his wants are romantic in nature. I suppose I should deal with this. I'll have him hunt for a treasure map and go to Twikkii or Takemizu. He digs up, among 5 bones and a rock, a map to Takemizu. We have our destination! He arrives at the Steaming Dragon Hotel. His first (possibly romantic) encounter is a blonde local named Mahrisa. [Hahahaha] They have bad joojoo. She isn't his type what so ever. On his historic tour he meets up with another tourist, Angel Go, Angel. Hmmm. He also dislikes her. And, call it my luck, none of the women he's hot for are locals; they're all tourists like him.

Well, we can get these tiny details out of the way. He's still got Twikkii and Three Lakes to scope out. He digs Lydia, who looks like Marylena and Arcadia... I'm leaning toward Vanessa. Gray eyes, a definite win. Menoetius went to the Pagoda in the Shadows. He made friends with the Wise Old Man and the man; he told Menoetius an ancient tale. A tale about a princess and a dragon and invaders. Menoetius tried to hug him after that. The old man turned his eyebrow at him. Still, they parted as friends. Menoetius learned of the legend. Time to study an ancient something or other. Exercise. I think this is going to be the tricky one. He spent the day at a community lot that had a stereo, alas, nothing happened. I wondered if the old man does it. When I got to the pagoda, though, no one was there. -sigh- Back on the hunt. Success! Awesome. I'm done with this place. Back to college. Pallas gets his gold badge in fishing, Helios wants to be struck by lightning. Yeah, okay...

Next destination back to Twikkii Island. Menoetius has to help the Witch Doctor fix all his appliances. For his troubles, the Witch Doctor gives Menoetius his voodoo doll. Next, learning the fire dance. It took a while, but Menoetius learned pretty fast. I knew that at least, this babe hunting is going terribly. That's not fair, Menoetius has met a lot of girls.
You know, it seems all the NPC's at the pirate ship just want to fight and push each other. Welp, It's time to head back to college. The boys graduate. All Summa, naturally. Now to divide $76,571 into 3 for Helios, Pallas and Perses. So! Being an adult and finally able to have babies, Menoetius has a few options. Vanessa, from Takemizu, Cara from Twikkii, and Kendal, another tourist, met at Three Lakes. Now, Kendal looks like Grandma Marylena and Arcadia, bad joojoo, and Cara looks like Menoetius' mother, Nancy. Kind of creepy. And Vanessa has face #1. He's closest with Vanessa and has two bolts for her and Cara. If I go by names, Kendal takes the cake. I really don't like the #1 face. Alright, Cara it is. Now, before Atlas croaks, which should be any day now, he decides to be a parent one last time. He grows a plant baby. Of course it's a girl. Now I can't remember which goddess was the goddess of plants. Either Dionysus or Demeter. I should have done my homework. Dionysus was a boy. Demeter it is! Aww, she's beautiful. Pointy ears, green skin... reminds me of Hyperion.

Menoetius invites Cara over. They were best friends and madly in love by dinner and Cara moved in. With $12,000, no friends, no job and hardly any skills. No badges either. But she's a Pisces, 5/7/7/6/7 and a knowledge sim with a LTW to become Cheif of Staff. Another medical mother. Hummm.
Death comes for Atlas. Cara's a little confused by the whole thing. Numbers: $7,400 to Demeter, $17,400 to Nancy, $1,800 to Helios, $300 to Menoetius, $3,200 to Pallas. Nothing for Perses or his other daughters. Wow, mang, that's cold.
That night Menoetius proposed to Cara and she said yes. I mean, of course. She's marrying into $350,000. They conceive their first try. Not unusual. Next day, Demeter becomes an adult. Yop, no childhood, teen years, or college for plant babies. They go from toddlerhood to adulthood. I roll a 3. Romance. We move her out fast enough, but bit without robbing upwards of $90,000, not including her severance check of $20,000. yes, folks. She's loaded.

Cara goes into labor. It's a boy! Epimetheus. So far he looks exactly like Menoetius. Bad luck, Cara examines a Sherpa instead of his llama and loses a logic point and Menoetius pins a sorority against a fraternity and gets demoted for his meddling. However, Nancy did get her LTW of earning $100,000 and retired so she could take care of Epimetheus while Menoetius and Cara focus on their careers. So, it ain't all bad.
Death is fast encroaching on her part, though. I was all ready to just have Epimetheus as the only kid, then I remembered Menoetius' LTW. Time for Menoetius and Cara to get busy. Conception on the second try.
Epimetheus turns into a toddler. He's a Scorpio! 10/3/9/8/1 Woo! The nose! He doesn't have the nose! It's a miracle! Grandma Nancy taught the child how to walk and talk. She spent the whole day with him. Then Death took her.
$4,800 to Hera, $0,800 to Aphrodite, $1,325 to Epimetheus and a couple friends no more than $1,000. A few days later Cara goes into labor again. It's a girl. Persephone. Gyawd, I'm running out of Olympians now. Next conception easy as the first. This will be the last. Menoetius and Cara have no parents, vampires, zombies or robot butlers to depend of. No safety net. What they do have is a cuss load of dragon-snap bouquets. Those should keep the kids and them happy for a while anyway. Not to mention a new nanny, Kendal.
Epimetheus turns into a little boy. Arcadia, Nancy and Sartre welcome him into childhood. Persephone was 19 hrs late turning into a toddler. I think they're taking longer each generation. She's an Aries, 10/9/7/4/5. Pretty cool. And kind of weird, considering her stock.
Omigosh! Another boy! With light blue eyes! Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh! His name is Poseidon. Squeeeee! Happy happy happy happy! Alright, we're so ending this on an awesome note.
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