Heads. Heads four times over. (Eh heh, I didn't really want to play them, but four head flips and I finally got the hint.)
Alright, girls, teenagerhood awaits. Then college. It's never too early, so skill, skill away!
Ooh, new recharge graphic. Wow! They look more angelic than ever!
Oh geez, first day of school, all the girls are SO unhappy. Their fun is in the red. Thank goodness it's the first day of winter. They have all day to play in the snow... or watch TV.

Playing outside did nothing for the girls. I'm going to have to bust out the pillows for pillow fights. Everyone loves pillow fights.

Hestia brought home Pong today. He's in the driveway doing the Smustle. Another day of returning home utterly deprived of fun. Doll houses give 10 fun so I'll buy another one and send them to it.
That worked so much better than snow day. They completed their homework, anyway. But they are still so incredibly unhappy at school. I think we'll invite Headmaster Korey over and see in Ebonwood Private School improves their mood at all. Lord knows I have enough leftovers to satisfy the man's appetite, but just in case, I think I'll spruce up the house a little.

Headmaster Jitmakusol is a very sloppy eater. Ariel and Gabriel were completely disgusted. The tour went well enough. The meal and the house (plus a dignified amount of schmoozing) landed the nights score at 103/90. The girls are going to private school.
44 for dinner, 45 for the tour and 14 on the schmooze-o-meter.
Whoops, Hestia smashed one of the doll houses. I might have to get another. Or perhaps not. The girls first day at private school, they lost only 1/2 the fun they did at public. Hoorah hooray.
Hera became a teenager. I rolled a 6. Damn! Pleasure sim. Aphrodite teened, too. Rolled a four, Fam sim, haven't had one of those in a while. As a teen, Aphrodite is surprisingly beautiful. She really grew into Nancy's eyes. Of course, Hera is beautiful, also, but that's to be expected when we know she has her father's eyes.

Omigosh, I'm so aggravated. Checked online, my version doesn't work with Bon Voyage. I was able to download another that will. There's also one for Apartment Life. Fun times. Except the package comes in a .rar file and I didn't have any programs that could open a .rar. I had to do some research and install 7zip. (By research, I mean ask somebody.)

Great. Ariel broke again. There he goes, running amok. And he finally conked out in the girls bedroom. Mr Fairchild is on his way. Gabriel is in the same boat. Apparently they should not stand in showers.
Last to bloom is Hestia. I roll another 6. I'm going to cry. Hestia is exquisitely beautiful. Completely unexpected as she was the ugliest little girl. Hate to say it.
The girls skills are all but outstanding. With the exception of applying for scholarships, all they need are some body skills. I'll have them work out when they have some down time. I don't think I'll wait very long to send them to college like I will the boys. They are all wonderful young girls, but they aren't the main story. They aren't even on the same lot. Plus Ariel and Gabriel will have the house all to themselves and retire from child-rearing. I think they deserve that.
The girls brought home three red-heads from school. They all started doing the smustle and Gabriel joined in, I'm so embarrassed for these kids. Welp, all the girls have at least 5 cooking and 1 in everything else, the last applied for her scholarship; it's time for college. Enough of this, it's time to play the main lot.
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