Monday, April 30, 2012

Hyperion Cygnus

But, of course, every legacy has a founder! We all knew this. Let me introduce you, yes?
Behold, ladies!
Hyperion sports a 8/3/8/3/3, Scorpio, Family Aspiration. Like his threads? So do I! I know, what am I thinking, a Scorpio fam sim? I must be insane already! But nae! Trust me, this is for the best. I mean I didn't think so at first, but it will all make sense.
So far though, he's kind of an asshole. He picked a fight with Christy immediately upon making her acquaintance, and having a conversation with Brandi was all but impossible. Needless to say, I'm apprehensive about his meeting Ivy.
Anyway, since he's a fam sim I thought I'd be nice to my founder and got him a job in law enforcement, even went as far as getting him an exercise bike, though everyone knows when you start off you're strapped for cash. I had a 3 foot long wall. That was his home.
His first day was uneventful, aside from Tosha Go 'innocently' walking down a dead end street, on which his [we'll call it] house is the only one on said dead end street. Come on, little girl, that's just creepy. You're a teenager, hes a grown man. He was happy to clean up around the lot though, with his cute little happy head bob, and working out with his exercise bike.
The day after I took him to the neighborhood bath house. Also fruitless, he tried to start a fight with Melissa Fancey. I conveniently forgot neat sims have a natural disposition against using public bathrooms. My bad. Anyway, I had him chill out in a hot tub before sending him home, assuring myself  he'd make less enemies on his own property.
A few days later Hyperion luckily met Ivy Copur [the adult] and I was all but baffled by their chemistry. They hit it off as if they were made for each other. I mean... He let her tickle him. The day he met her. She even called him after she left the lot. They talked on the phone for ever. And stopped by the day after, too. To play slaps. So I thought I'd give it a go, and throw a flirt out there. Of course she loved it... Gave him a back rub as a thank you.Win!
Afterwards, he got burgled. The robber took the bookshelf and the exercise bike. Hyperion was only sad about the bike. Also, we had a small mishap, Hyperion attacked a foreign couple at a doughnut shop, easily forgiven, though I did have to pay damages. Fair, yeah? Which is why I didn't buy a stove until about two weeks after moving unto the lot. Chef salad for the win.
Ivy. Is. Awesome! $11000, 5 friends, and a career in crime! They're a match made in ironic heaven! Sure she only has 2 points in neat, Sagittarius, but shes gorgeous and rich, and a knowledge sim, to boot. I can't say no!
Of course she would lose her job the day Hyperion asks her to marry him. She was in a crap mood and left him at the altar!
I was devastated. She broke Hyperion's digital heart. I was about to kick her to the curb and nab Marylena as a spouse instead, just to get even! But I didn't remember if that would be against the rules, bringing someone into the household but not marrying them. So I stuck with her, sat her and Hyperion down and they had a nice long talk about all that happened.
Hyperion wouldn't trust her, or go near her for a few days though, and I completely understand. On the plus side, I was able to focus all this time toward their careers. Ivy nabbed an opening as a bank robber. I felt lucky. Eventually Ivy did take Hyperions last name, and baby making is incredibly easy with these two. They are so madly in love.
After a pleasingly easy pregnancy, Ivy gave birth to Tethys Cygnus, a Sagittarius, like her mom. 2/3/9/10/3, but with all her dads features: green skin, black eyes, and pointy ears. But I do need a male heir, so Hyperion and Ivy hit the sack again. Little more difficulty with this conception, but Ivy just takes these pregnancies in stride, working out, building body points, studying and all, she's so boss!
However, they did have another girl, and I was starting to freak out, 'cause Hyperion was nearly done with his adulthood. But another baby girls is never a bad thing, and everyone seemed pleased with Theia Cygnus, Pisces, rocking a 8/5/8/3/9, including all her daddies features. She's win in my book!
So one last try before Hyperion becomes an elder. This pregnancy wouldn't be as easy as the first two, with a toddler and a baby? Yea, Ivy wasn't getting any sleep, and Hyperion was always exhausted keeping up with Tethys.
Third times the charm, though. They finally had a boy, Oceanus Cygnus, Scorpio, like his dad, 8/7/9/7/4, but sadly, no pointy ears. Poor Ivy. She was just pooped after all those pregnancies, I just let her do her thing for a while, left the heavy lifting to Hyperion and Calista, the nanny. Whom, by the by, is a complete jewel, she takes care of the kids, cleans up around the house, feeds the girls jello; I can't ask for more, really. Though it's a little weird that she'll throw fits outside the bathroom because she can't get in to clean in there. Occupado, lady.
Tethys and Theia easily got into private school, I was a little worried, the house isn't that big yet. But we've been getting a few glitches, one day, they lost their homework, and there's a missing toddler toy on the property, as well.
With Hyperion as an Elder and Oceanus as a toddler, their sleep schedules are in perfect synchronization, making it possible for Oceanus to learn to walk and talk one day into his toddlerhood.
But family friendships have definitely taken a back seat to child rearing and the phone will not stop ringing to remind me.
I really hate having a television in the house, so to keep the girls entertained I got them a dollhouse. You wouldn't think it was that much fun, but kids love it. 10 to fun. That's not too shabby.
Surely enough Tethys glitter swirled into teenager hood, and I rolled a 5. A popularity sim with 3 outgoing and 2 nice. [Sarcastic] hurray! She picked up a part time job in the culinary career track, and her first night on the job she got a promotion. Ambitious. She also plays the piano beautifully. But she can get out of hand when she tried to repair anything; she starts whaling on shit and growling.
Something else I always found interesting: when a child plays with the dolls in the doll house he or she will make them kiss each other and instantly afterward have one beat up the other. It's just kind of messed up.
Age transition, HOOOOO! In the bathroom no less. Memories~~ Theia grows to teenybopperhood, and I roll a 1, Wealth sim! Hurray! Part time job in the business career track, and she's promoted fast, too.
Just chilling until Oceanus hits teenagerhood as well, and in the mean time. Skill, skill, skill. Learning how to cook is a must in mah house! Ivy and Hyperion both make it to elderlihood, and to the top of their career paths, Hyperion is Captain Hero, and Ivy, the Criminal Mastermind. This is where I leave you. I'm so tired. Zzzzzzzz-hmm?! Oh right, post, then go to bed.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Challenge

Firstly, I should be blatantly honest.This is not my first attempt at a Legacy Challenge. That being said, I do have every intention of completing it, seeing as I've made a blog in order to document my progress, and what can be construed as a promise to complete it.
The rules for The Sims2 Legacy Challenge can be found here: The handicaps I've chosen are as follows.
Only Sims of the same gender as the founder may carry the family line. Opposite gender sims are still considered part of the family, but may NOT be heirs. If the founder is male, only males can be heirs. If the founder is female, only females may be heirs.

2."Free Roaming Ghosts"
-Sim graves and urns may never be deleted or sold, even if smashed.
-Sim graves and urns may never be placed into a sim's inventory
-The graves and urns must be placed in a manner that allows the ghosts to travel freely on the entire lot. A ghost must be able to travel to any part of the lot from where their marker lies.

3. "One way street"
Your sims may never use the elixir of life from the aspiration reward menu.
Cow plant elixir may still be used.
You may still purchase bottles of elixir to earn collection points. 

4. "Strict family values"
Your founder must be a family sim.
Whenever your sims woohoo, they MUST "try for baby".
If "try for baby" is not an option, the sims may not woohoo.

In addition to these rules and handicaps, I've got an ace up my sleeve, JUST to ensure I don't get bored out of my skull.

Expansion Pack Challenge Meets Patriarchal Alien Legacy a la 27 style!
Keep in mind the term 'alien' is used loosely. Alienhood is easily achieved via the boolprop cheat + [shift] N in Create-a-Sim. To start, install The Sims2 only. You may use an existing neighborhood or create your own. Once you have things squared away begin creating your founder. Naturally, he'll be male, an alien, and simply gorgeous, because lets face it, what alien isn't?
As things tend to do, life goes on. Founder meets townie, founder falls in love, founder and townie marry and then before you know it -BAM! Townies pregnant. Upon the arrival of your sweet, sea-foam bundle of joy, install your first Expansion Pack. Since there are eight of them, they'll last you until your tenth generation, at which point you'll be scott free of the challenge and legacy! Hurray!

Expansion pack Uno: Nightlife
Traveling in style is a must if one dwells downtown and your first heir will be hitting the streets regularly. By golly, you will have the best looking rig out there. When your heir meets his quota of 1 male offspring, a night life is all he'll know ever after. I hope blood agrees with him.

Expansion Pack Dos: University
One lone alien against the world! No time for slacking off, I'm afraid. We have much work to do. Let's hope your heirs youth and idealism wins out. There's rumor of a secret society that your heir simply MUST infiltrate in order to learn all the education system secrets; and a dorm is too much of a party, but a fraternity has got to be the bees knees. But dont let your grades slip. Your heir must walk out of college summa cum laude!
Zombiehood is his reward after producing his heir. 

Expansion Pack Tres: Open for Business
Owning your own is a feeling that never feels bad, but owning the best is what your next heir strives for! But which scene should he choose? Storybook flower shoppe? European Toy Store? International Technology Center? Or just a restaurant? Five star glory awaits!

Expansion Pack Quatro: Pets
Everyone knows being a pet owner is its own reward and your next heir is simply bonkers about anything scaly, feathery or furry. A womrat and fish tank are fine for children, but before you know it you end up with a bird, two stray dogs and a cat to boot. But we're not giving them a free ride, oh no! All tricks will be learned and all pet career tracks will be topped! Lycanthropy is bonus, if you can pull it off.

Expansion Pack Cinco: Seasons
Ahh, the great outdoors. Your next heir can think of nothing more relaxing than sitting by a pond, fishing pole in hand, or tending to his garden of strawberries and orange trees, or taking an invigorating hike. Gold badges in Gardening and Fishing will be a cinch, having a complete bug set is without mention, and of course, being a member of the garden club is your heirs every dream come true. Extra kudos if he gets more than a green thumb in the process.

Expansion Pack Ses: Bon Voyage
Heir #7 wants to broaden his cultural horizons to the limit! Travel to all the most exotic locales, sample every type of food, learn every custom. So fill up that vacation memory book. Those neighborhood gals got nothing on the fascinating natives he'll meet in his travels.

Expansion Pack Siete: Free Time
Because heir #8 will have a bunch of it, gold badges in EVERYTHING. You think its tough?! So do I! Bwahahaha!

Expansion Pack Ocho: Apartment Life
Heir #9s mission is to befriend a magic user and get her to teach him her ways! Then all he's got to do is make a baby boy and Wallah! Generation 10. Challenge complete. I dont have any special purpose for the last heir, he's free to do as he wishes. He's free of me! And I'll be free of his family!

So that's my evil plot to take my own sanity, for surely, when I do complete this, I'll be stark raving mad. Wish me luck!