Open for Business installed. Everyone won't stop crying about Marylena's death. They all want to resurrect her. She was an awesome grandma, I can't deny that, but I couldn't ask for a better departure. I'll leave her be.
Allison got her job back as a waitress and redeemed herself in the culinary field by making great soup for an Italian wedding. They were so pleased that she got $2k worth of the take on the whole event. Oceanus didn't make it this far in the field.
Mnemosyne, being a wealth sim, wanted to get into private school, so again we invite Headmaster Vince over for some salmon and an opportunity to get to know the latest batch of the Cygnus clan. Poor Headmaster. Eating dinner with this family takes HOURS because of all their social points, but by the end of dinner the family accumulated 42 points from dinner, and 30 social points, that's 72 out of 90. That was just the food part. Obviously they got in, and Mnemosyne plat boomed.
I don't think there's a difference in the quality of education; the only thing that seems to change is the school uniform. She got a job in crime, too, and got promoted her first night. Nothing more for her here really, so I send her to college. Themis, too, but not before Marylena could come out to scare the balls off Iapetus. A little 'Brother torture' goodbye present. Nice, Marylena.
Someone kicked over my trashcan! Aw man. Cockroaches everywhere. Iapetus -> teendom -> rolled 2 -> Knowledge. Wooo! Except that's useless, he'll be rerolling in college, and its unlikely he'll reach his LTW at all, since he's going to be focusing on the toy store.
Oceanus, in the meantime, is out on the town, trying to find one Cassidy Chun, whom I intend to make Iapetus' bride. Apparently there's a new vampire in town, Countess Jeannie, and she's not afraid to bite people in public. She's already bitten three or four people. I like her.
I've seen Cassidy only a few times, but lately she's being elusive. Oceanus has been beefing up relationships with the family as a pass time. I guess I could make it easy on Crius and make some fast friends so he can finally get promoted.
A couple of the ladies are always out on the town. Andrea Hogan, Arcadia something. Arcadia's hard to talk to, but she'd be a great spouse someday.
Man, these college kids are creepy. Stop coming to my house! Allison got promoted to Restauranteer, first night, she invests in putting her restaurants in airports and makes a cool $55k. I'm rather impressed. She's making the family buku-bucks.
Everyone in the house is so social. They NEED to be around someone, or on the phone. I feel like they're as bad as Marsha.
But Cassidy Chun finally returns to the bright lights in downtown and Oceanus pounces like a jungle cat. They make fast friends, and Oceanus heart farts all the way back home.
I am so changing that bowling outfit and make-up when she joins the family. The next night Oceanus invites her over to meet Iapetus. They hit it off just as fast as she did with Oceanus. No compatibility problems there. He's still a teen though. No hanky panky until college, kiddo.
Bless Allison for remaining young at heart. She nearly crapped her pants here. Obviously Iapetus is messed up in the head if he's making toys like this. He has a bad habit of not flushing either. It's freaking disgusting. But he does work hard at his toy-making bench. Many many hours logged. But it's time for him to shove off to college. [pause]
Bam... he's rolling wants to call his mom... great. He is NOT cut out to be a knowledge sim. 9 active? There's no way. I'm glad I'll be rerolling .... now! Pleasure sim! Now that's more like it... with an LTW of going on 50 1st dates... Eff that. Sorry, Iapetus. You have obligations. Pleasure totally suits him better though. He's rolling wants to rap freestyle for tips.
Badass, right? He's going to be the greatest dad ever.
As a pleasure sim, it's not out of the ordinary to want to go out on dates. Perfect opportunity to start romancing Cassidy. They make their way to a botanical restaurant, and his dad's there! No hanky panky tonight, Iapetus. But they hit if off rather well, despite no woohoo, and the date was a complete success. I got his influence all the way up, make good use of that when trying to get people to do my term paper. Bwah hahaha! And dream dates seem to boost all ne
eds. He was so in the green at the end of the night. Second date? Woohoo in the photobooth. Oh yes.
After that she came by and dropped off a freaking karaoke machine. I like this chick.
Iapetus is the perfect sim to own a toy store. He's always rolling wants to have a dj booth, a bubble blower, pinball machines. This is going to be great. By bubble blower I mean hookah. Every single college kid in the dormitory wastes all their time on that thing. College was fast. He graduates Summa Cum Laude.
What does he get when he comes back home from college? A lecture from his dad. The hell, man? Anyway, community lot purchased, toy store made, stocked, and ready to go. I need to hire a cashier, Iapetus sucks at it.
First day he hires three ladies, Sandy, Rose, and Jan, and the store gets its first star. Hecks yes.
Back home Allison is gossiping to Crius about how Iapetus burned the macaroni and cheese when he was still a teenager. Awesome, Allison, making fun of your own kids.
Time for Cassidy to join the family and start pumpin out kids. She brings in 8k and 5 friends; she's a wealth sim, with an LTW to become a Hall of Famer (athletic career track), and she's a Gemini, 4/7/8/3/3. That's a lot like Iapetus.
Conception on the first try, though. Man, the men in this family are good~~
Oceanus paints a picture of some creepy clowns and the painting sellfs for $666. Ah! Actually his paintings are going for a lot more lately. Nearly $800 for one. Nice~~
Cassidy just gets done cleaning the downstairs bathroom, then promptly throws up in it. Way to go, Cassidy.
Second day at work Jan quits after getting a badge in sales. But I found out Cassidy has badges in sales and toy making. I can bring her to work with Iapetus. After the babies born, though. Her and Iapetus' aspiration bars are hell to keep even in the green. I refuse to buy a bowling alley. It's the only thing either of them roll for. I got the freaking DJ booth for them, and the pinball machine, but the bar is still so low. They don't even use them! And I'm not buying a tv. Those things are too freaking loud. As if the music room wasn't loud enough!
Why do these people not flush anymore? It's so gross.
Cassidy goes into labor at 3:12 am. A boy! Huzzaw! In keeping with the family tradition of naming offspring after titans, we're naming the boy Astraeus. No more kids. He'll just have to survive the ghosts of his forbears.
And rank 3 at the toy store! Another 2 and I can forget about that place. I bring Oceanus with me the next time I go to the toy store and he immediately wants to fire everyone. Heart Oceanus. A critic stopped by the store and gave us a good review. Rank 5 here we come~~
To celebrate I get Cassidy that job in Athletics. Her first day she brings home this dude from work who looks exactly like Iapetus. His name is Amin. It took me a while to figure out why Iapetus was playing the guitar instead of going to work. The only difference? Amins eyes are dark blue. Iapetus' are gray.
Freaking weird, right?!
3 generations later and Marsha freaking Bruenig is still calling my house.
I get the feeling Crius is going to kick the bucket soon. I will be bringing him back as a zombie, but I'd still like for his initial death to be a pleasant one. So I'm getting the family together and throwing his a grilled cheese party. He and Allison became fam sims in their old age. Both keep rolling wants for another grandchild. Too bad!
His death was awesome. Same day (as if by magic) Astraeus enters toddlerhood. Let's take a peek under the hood. ... Pisces. 5/7/9/4/9. Who'd have freaking guessed that?!?!
Crius' insurance benefits 5 people, his wife, his son, his grandson, and neither of his daughters, but two of his frat brothers from freaking college. Crius. You're an ass.
Someone's gotta bring him back as a zombie and only Oceanus fears it. Nice to know you love your little man. I choose you, Allison. and in a puff of red smoke, Crius returns as the second undead in the household.
It's the monster mash! Damn. He returns 0/4/2/1/0; sloppy, lazy, serious and grouchy... befitting of a zombie, actually.
Cassidy maxed out her fun on the treadmill (weird active people) so I switched her up to yoga. She's pretty fast at gaining body points, but since she's not all that nice. I imagine her charisma leveling is going to suck. Bwahahaha, Iapetus is such a big kid. He plays outside with his toys while his employees work their butts off for him. My poor workers. I should give them a raise.
But I do have too many people creating the toys. More than are going out, and its costing me money and inventory space. It might be time to cut back on the productivity. So far the store is a money suck. And the customers are silly. Twirling around in circles, making questioning gestures as if they don't know what they want, and then getting upset when no one comes to help them. Is it too hard to find out what you're looking for?! There are only two rows of toys! Jeez! -rage- -rage- -rage-
And when Iapetus goes home Grandma Allison dies, causing Astraeus to hit aspiration bottom for the second time in less that 24 hours. Her benefits go to her son, her daughter Themis (just the one), her grandson, and some guy named Vince. No idea who he is.
With Iapetus trying to get the company to dish out some dough and Cassidy working her butt off the only people left to take care of the boy are Oceanus and Crius. A vampire and a zombie. Trusting the undead with childcare? What could go wrong? At least they're family.
And win. Iapetus' toy store is now a 5 star business. Time to shut down and never come back. Mwahahahaha! The poor guys aspiration has been too low for too long. It's time to focus on him and his family, zombie dad included.
No, 'cause this is cool, setting the house on fire via the microwave. Is that even possible?
Astraeus is now a boy and I can stop taking notes until the next expansion! Until next time, kiddies.
Is that Death with a garland of pink flowers dancing? ._.
ReplyDeleteAnd poor Astraeus :I Having supernatural creatures babsit him - look what that did to Bella >_>;
lol yes, that's Death, I said Crius' death was awesome, didn't I? His grilled cheese party turned into a luau!
DeleteAnd I have no idea what happened to Bella, this is presuming you're talking about the twilight books and not Bella Goth. XD
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DeleteHow'd that get.. *face/palm*
DeleteTwilight, yes :starestarestare:
I had the severe misfortune of watching the third movie yesterday e_e;;;;;;;
is what I'd written :|