Marisa invited Andrea Hogan over, so Hades could meet his future spouse. The family earned 99/90 for entertaining BJ er, I mean Headmaster Ryan. Hades joins the socially elite.
Oh crap! Poseidon's been abducted by aliens! Zeno never haunts, it's always Sartre. Thankfully the aliens brought Poseidon back unscathed. Hades became fast friends with Andrea. Now it's time for him to meet his mentor of magic! I think Hades would make a fine evil witch. So Poseidon and Hades went to the gardens. But no witch came.
Poseidon wasn't impregnated by the aliens. So sad. Back to the telescope he goes. Next morning the boys headed back into town. They spent the day at the Ebonwood Market. Still no witch. Next, the bath house. Poor Hades was getting so tired so quickly. So home they went; again empty handed.

Having been to several community lots and still not finding a witch. I thought I'd send a scout out for one, from my robot army. One that wasn't prone to running amok. I went to the first, the best. Metatron. Still no witch. Reinstallation looks imminent Ha! Never mind! Woo! Ericka Grove appears. Poseidon had to meet her, as Hades was very exhausted. They talked about dresses, and hit each other with water balloons. Hee. This challenge is already off to a great start.
Marisa achieved her LTW. She's a Hall of Famer now. You know, Poseidon and Marisa might be crap parents, but it's really sweet that they try to interact with Hades. And they are so in love. Since Marisa's permaplat she quit her job as well. They spend all day flirting and kissing and serenading each other. He got abducted by aliens again.
After calculating Nannyy, Gardener, and Maid fees I decided a butler wins out and hired one. His name is Amar Dennis. Handsome old chap. Bald though. Like Alfred. I approve. And then the game crashes!
-sigh- Okay. How long ago did I save? Marisa's still a Hall of Famer. Hades is four days from teenagerhood instead of one. Not too bad. At least he's still friends with Ericka.
Marisa was invited to a night out in the town and I decided it couldn't hurt. Nothing came of it though. She danced with some people. I think I'm going let go Mr. Dennis. He set my kitchen on fire two nights in a row. Pyro butlers. Who needs 'um. Again, the aliens take Poseidon. They must really like him. Mua ha ha ha ha ha! At least he finally gets alien pregnant.

Poseidon finished his novel, a mystery novel. Who thought a mystery novel about a dead rabbit would sell so well? I love the title though: The Case of Cadbury. Hehe. Marisa's writing one, too. A tell-all about the abduction of her husband.
Hades is now able to learn the path of darkness from Ericka the Atrocious, and he gets a cool new outfit. First spell he casts makes it rain in winter and infests the lot with cockroaches. That's evil in a cute way. He gets some awesome new gear, too. A warlocks cauldron and a spell book. I love this!
Ericka's cute in an evil way, too. She bothers cheating in chess. (Unsuccessfully.) Penguin break-in again. I think he really likes that painting of thecallouscritic.
Poseidon and Marisa were, of course, uneasy about their son being a witch. 'Specially an evil one. Hades became so corrupted his skin turned green. Mostly, they didn't want to be turned into a mean witch by him.
Poseidon went into labor Monday morning. To an alien baby girl. They named her Medusa. I'm just glad she has a nose. Ah! Hades froze in the snow! O my God! O my God! O my God!
Phew! He's safe. Cripes that was close! I could have lost my heir!
Well, Hades took a job in the Science track, since his current LTW is to become a Mad Scientist. God, I love this kid.
Poseidon can't seem to take a hint. He's back at the telescope peeping on the heavens. I'm not doing this, people. His special talent is science!

Medusa grows up into a toddler. Gyawd is she ugaboo. She learns a lot quicker than the children in this family have in a while, though. Medusa is also a Scorpio. 10/9/10/0/0. Goodness, so much like Hades.
Marisa seems to be getting the hang of parenting, though.
Hades has reached the max of evilness. He can make a whole bunch of cool witch lamps and has an arsenal of bad ass spells. He is invincible! And now he can get that last scholarship for abductee victims. So off he goes to cause some mischief in public. You can't cast spells on children. I didn't know that. O my God! There's a fortress of Eternal Darkness!Awwwwesome! No doubt he will have the most awesome name there! This place! It is exquisite! Heee! Even the presents are evil looking. Squeeeeee!

Poseidon became an old man. Marisa, an old woman, the day after. Both of them got into the habit of playing chess together. So cute.
Hades has to go to college soon. I'm hoping Pochi, the wolf, will come before then. He always makes Hades happy. He never came. -sigh- Wha! As soon as I click 'move to college' the game dies! Damn. Hades is still at home. Poseidon and Marisa are old folks, though. Marisa'a really learned how to clean up after herself. She eats like a pig though. Okay, back where we left off. With Hades going to college!
My dorm mates don't seem to understand the mechanics of a locked door. They keep going into his room, anyway!
Heeheehee, every time he goes to class he takes his broom. Knowledge kids are so easy to make happy in college. Reroll time. 6. Nuuu! He wants 50 Dream Dates. Dear plop, I declare bawls! Well, might as well get started. One down with his wife-to-be, Andrea. I know it's not right, but his closest lady friends are extended family. Hades' next date is Demeter.

Coeus was angrier than Demeter. After the date Count Alvin started picking on Andrea. He also turned Gabriel, the robot, into a vampire. I don't even... I mean, how? That raises too many questions. Haha, Gabriel used the photo-booth after that.
When Hades got home he was permaplat. He's no where near 50 dates... Just 10.
Mwahahahahaha! Hades turned Eos into a witch. I have to say, Hades makes friends faster that any sim I've played in this family. I've never got this memory square before: Big Man on Campus. Apparently it's about making a lot of friends while in college. Boss.
Welp, he graduated. He's still alive. Couldn't ask for more, really. Well, yes, I can, he needs a son. After making 15 friends and capping all the skills. I don't know that sticking around campus is all that worth it. So home Hades goes.

This couple doesn't conceive well. Andrea looks freaking - oh there it goes. Wow, Andrea does not handle pregnancy well. Medusa teened and has become a family sim. Well, I guess Andrea does a lot better when she actually stays near a bouquet of dragon snaps. Hades turned his half sister, Medusa into a witch. She didn't have the fear. And the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii plant claimed her first victim. I named her Laguna. Laguna the Lagana. Oh. She just sniffed the boy. Boring! I suspect it's because he's still a teenager. Damn. I want me some life milk- Game crashed again.
Oh no. I didn't save at all. Hades just joined the family, Medusa's still a child. Andrea isn't part of the family. Damn! Okay, well, I got my Lagana plant back. Andrea joins the family [again], this time with $6000, same LTWS, personality job, and friends, however, a different inventory stock. The pinball machine is definitely out, and the electro-dance sphere. She's got a stove, barbecue, fish tank and three telescopes. Not to mention a little baker oven for kids, a kite, fire truck [toy], and ketchup, salt and napkins. I kept the telescopes only.

Laguna ate Mary Reamon. Saving again.Medusa kissed Chloe Gonzaga. Aspiration Fodder. Hades returns from work an Ecological Guru. He reaches the top of Natural Science. Medusa returned promoted as well, to piano tuner.
Pochi finally returned to pay Hades a visit, but a little too late. Any chances of his turning Hades into a werewolf have passed. Oh. Laguna ate Jenna Bachman. Hahahahahehehehe. Didn't even notice. Andrea went into labor. A boy! ... A blond boy. What the. He inherited Marisa's blonde hair. I can't believe it jumped a generation. I was to have my revenge. Marisa ate the cake. She didn't get her gold encrusted tombstone. She got ziltch. Give your grandchildren blond hair, will you?! I should bring her back as a zombie... nah. Crashed again. This is getting a little stupid. Mother Marisa is still alive and the boy isn't born yet. Bah! I'm still getting rid of her. Damn. It's a girl this time. And blonde! Her name is Pandora. I'm saving this time. She's got green eyes though, That's awesome.

Andrea does into labor again. Another blond! But this one's a boy and has Poseidon's light blue eyes. What's going one here, damnit? Dark blue and green are way more dominant than light blue. His name is Ares. And we're saving. Oh, Pandora is a Scorpio, 10/9/9/0/5. Invading Penguin!
Hee, Medusa drank her step-mother. Gah! Crash again! No, this isn't getting annoying. -growl- -growl-
Oh shit. I'm been freaking out about the game crashing, I didn't write anything down. Andrea finally got a job in Medical, Hades went from Natural Science to Paranormal to Slacker, Pandora turned into a child and speed skilled cooking and mechanical, Pandora's been waiting patiently for a sister type niece to hang out with and Ares toddlerfied. He's also a Scorpio. 10/9/9/0/1... just like his dad. And Nicodemus de-materialized.

The next day Hades and Andrea had the day off. I invited the Headmaster over and a huge amount of family members. 8 to be precise. The house has never been so packed. I invited over the family to give them very expensive gifts, so I got rid of nine $15,000 fountains and still have $763,896, and treated everyone to all my fishy leftovers. Coeus is a serious jerkwad to his family! He just slapped Andrea and half the women on the lot for no effing reason! Oh. Oh, that will cost him dearly. After he 'left' he came back and stole the newspaper. Big woop. Headmaster Vince Walter didn't need a lot of convincing. I only showed the man the first floor and the kids got into private school. This game is way too easy. Oh and Medusa as well! Excellent!
Coeus came back and knocked over the trashcan. What a dick! The weekend passed quickly and Monday evening Pandora became a teen, looking all sexy and like her mom and rolling wealth too even! Pretty uncanny.

Haha, Hades is such a wad, he even cheats his own son at chess. Then insisted on telling his own dad a thing or two about playing piano. Hahahaha! Laguna ate Wyatt Wong! Great! He was so annoying. Laguna's toll is now up to six people.
Brenda Zaidi, a local gypsy crone, stopped by on Ares' birthday and even brought a present. The Magic Lamp. Very sweet. Ares teenified, rolled 2. Knowledge. Oh, cool. Alright, that's enough. I'll write a epilogue ending the Legacy, running Ares through teen years, college and adulthood.
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