Free time. Aspiration benefits, life time meters, violins, ant farms, sewing stations and pottery wheels. -sigh- My next heir has to have badges in Fishing, Gardening, Flower Arranging, Toy Making, Pottery, Sewing, Cosmetology and Robotics. Hmm, we lost Nancy's grave. Poseidon and Persephone grew up. Poseidon is a Scorpio, 10/9/9/0/7. Wow, that's awesome. Epimetheus becomes a Romance sim. Persephone gets to be a Knowledge sim... She got electrocuted trying to fix the computer. I'll have to level her mechanical some more. And Poseidon grows up to be a Pop sim. -cries-
Epimetheus is a huge player; he's dating three... four girls and they're all stupid about him. One in particular. She's been sending gifts the last few days. The last two times she dropped off pianos. No joke.
The kids child and teen years are pretty drab unless you count Poseidon skill stealing from his parents like crazy. He's got gold badges in fishing, gardening and pottery making already, but now he goes to college. Again, pretty boring. Just grind, grind, grind. Oh! I need a spouse! Marisa will do. Poseidon rerolled Romance. His LTW: Have 20 Lovers. Slut. Well, he graduated Summa, fell in love with Marisa and got gold badges in Cosmetology, Flower Arranging and Toy Making. Let's see that's six out of eight. He's got Robotics and Sewing left. That's cussing awesome.
So we're back on the main lot and I'm losing graves left and right! Now Atlas and Astraeus' graves are missing. Wonderful. This totally sucks!
Marisa is quite happy to join a rich family. She must be a wealth sim. She joins with $6,000, kind of broke for a wealth sim. LTW: Become Hall of Famer, current position: Vice Squad. She has NO skills, but! She has 10 friends; totally making up for it. She's a Gemini; 4/7/8/3/3. What awful numbers.
The couple conceive quickly. No surprise. But Marisa is starving right after woohoo. Thankfully I have a staggering amout of vegetables and fish in the fridge. After dinner she hit the cook book. When I say no skills, I mean no skills. A sim should be ashamed. The penguins have resorted to breaking and entering, even wolves respect the boundaries of the door. I think the penguins smell the fish. Jerks! Stay away!
Poseidon continues working on those badges. haven't given him a job yet. The family has $455,000. I think he can relax a while.
Bawls! Menoetius' LTW wasn't set off! I don't get it! All three went to college and graduated. Shenanigans! I'm getting the shaft, mang.
Poseidon got his gold badge in Robotics. Marisa grew a bit of belly and couldn't do yoga anymore, so she's studying body via the education book case and using the punching bag. She went into labor and gave birth to a boy! Named him Hades. I'll be honest. Marisa kind of scares me. I didn't know if she'd be a good mother. My apprehensions were justified when she dumped the kid on the ground while she made an omelet, set it on the kitchen counter and sneezed in it. Didn't even eat it!
Ha! Menoetius finally dug up a treasure chest! Completing all 45 vacation memories. He never has to dig again! ... HA! He found two! Poseidon got his last gold badge in Sewing. 8 gold badges. Phew. Hades grew into a toddler. Oh, thank goodness, he's neat. He's a Scorpio, just like his dad. 10 neat, 9 outgoing, 9 active, 0 playful, and 1 nice. That seems so befitting of a boy named Hades. Even his portrait looks angry. He wears a tiny black tuxedo, too. I'm... I'm in love.
Poseidon reached the top of the Law career path. I don't know, it just happened. Hades got a heavy dose of smart milk. Knocked out learning how to talk, walk and sing a nursery rhyme out of the park. Holy crap! Why have I not been using this milk?!
Hahahahahaha! Poor Poseidon. Not only was he struck by lightning, Arcadia came out to scare him... twice! All the guy wants is to stargaze, people. Come on.
Woo! Poseidon earns $46,000 for declaring weather control machines illegal! Family net is now $528,329. This family is so filthy rich! Menoetius kicks the bucket. He died in plat though. I should have got that damn LTW anyway. But hey, I'll take what I can get.
#s: $19,800 to Cara, $7,900 to Poseidon, $6,700 to Epimetheus, $1,900 to Hades and $270 to Demeter, Atlas' plant daughter. Interesting.
What's also interesting is that somehow, Poseidon is permaplat. I don't even, maybe the game glitched and gave Menoetius' to Poseidon. The only thing that happened before that in his memory bin is Hades being born. Omm, Hades is rolling the want to have Menoetius sing to him. Of course Cara wasn't far behind Menoetius. $9,200 to Poseidon, $7,200 to Epimetheus, $5,700 to Persephone, $1,450 to Hades and $940 to someone named Kendal. Oh! The nanny. Poseidon wouldn't stop crying. Through Menoetius and Cara's deaths the number of family friends plummeted from 23 to 14.
Marisa simply has no maternal instincts. Hades needs sleep, she gives him a bath. I mean, really. Since the grandparents are gone and Poseidon reached the top of his career path he quit his job to stay home with his son. His first day home he just kept cuddling the boy while he slept. 3 days after his grand-dads death and he still wants him to sing for him.
Alright, he grew into a boy and spent all night with his nose stuck in a book. That bookcase is mad hacks. 5 skills in cooking, mech, cleaning, and body all in a nights work. That's just insane!
So I know that this expansion is hecka short, but really, most of it was really boring. Just Poseidon chipping away at those badges. Next one will be longer. I'm fairly certain.